
Full lips, fill lips:

A popular rhyme claiming that the size of a man's lips is proportionate to the size of his penis and its capacity to fill a woman's vagina .
See Also: achilous, BJLs, BLJ, boogie lips, cheilophilous, cheiloproclitic, chicken lips, deep-throat, DSL, Full lips, fill lips, he-blow, hose job, infibulation, inner lips (of the vagina), inner vulvar lips, inside lips (of the vagina), kissers, kissonyms, knobble, labia, labia majora, labia minora, labial, lappers, lip fuzz, lip-sucking kiss, lips, major lips (of the vagina), minor lips (of the vagina), MLA, outer lips (of the vagina), outer vulvar lips, rubies, sherry flips, smackers, vaseline lips, Virginia Maylips, vulva, waiting for wood, warpath lips

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