

In sadomasochism, striking a submissive for punishment.
See Also: bait, bastinado, beat it, beat the meat, beat to it, beat with the ugly stick, beating (someone) with the ugly stick, beating fantasies, birching, BTSOOM, cane, come-on boy, dead beat of one's heart, decoy(er), do over, docile, fairy hawk, ferk, firk, foken, fuck someone over, fuck someone up, fucked, give it to (someone), jacked up, jump the gun, kick ass, leaping over the sword, masturbation-male, off, pound the pavement, pound the sidewalk, pound the street, reno-it, Reno-vate, Reno-vation, rhabdophobia, S & M, smearing the queer, tachycardia, tom-tom, turn one out, turn out, turn someone out, wap, whipping, wreck somebody's beads

Quotes Containing beating:
Harold Palms: ''When beating-off is outlawed, only outlaws will beat-off .''
Harold Palms: ''When beating-off is outlawed, only outlaws will beat-off .''
Kay Thorndyke (Angela Lansbury) to her married friend Grant Matthews (Spencer Tracy) in State of the Union (1948):''I''m the corner of this triangle that will take the beating .''

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