

Lusty, horny , sexually aroused. See horny for synonyms.

Quote: Melina (Rachel Ticotin) grabbing Doug Quaid's (Arnold Schwarzenegger) crotch in Total Recall (1990):
-- Melina: ' What have you been feeding this thing? '
-- Doug: ' Blondes .'
-- Melina: ' I think it's still hungry .'

See Also: eat, hungry, spare tire

Quotes Containing hungry:
Donald (Jackie Vernon) in Microwave Massacre (1983): 'I'm so hungry I could eat a whore .'
Louis Blore/King Louis XV (Red Skelton) chasing May Daly/Madame du Barry (Lucille Ball) around the room in Du Barry Was a Lady (1943): - Louis: ''Can''t you see I''m hungry for a kiss?'' - May: ''You''re just hungry .''
Paul (John Malkovich), the clown, and Marie (Madonna), the acrobat, in Shadows and Fog (1992) - Paul: 'Sometimes when you're up on the high wire and I look at you you look so...' - Marie: 'What?' - Paul: 'Edible.' - Marie: 'How hungry are you now?' - Paul: 'I'm always famished after a performance. And you?' - Marie: 'I can never sleep on an empty stomach.' - Paul: 'Do you have a taste for anything special?' - Marie: 'I'm not fussy. I eat what you put in front of me.'
Paul (John Malkovich), a clown, and Marie (Madonna), an acrobat, in Shadows and Fog (1992). - Paul: ''Sometimes when you''re up on the high wire and I look at you you look so...'' - Marie: ''What?'' - Paul: ''Edible.'' - Marie: ''How hungry are you now?'' - Paul: ''I''m always famished after a performance. And you?'' - Marie: ''I can never sleep on an empty stomach.'' - Paul: ''Do you have a taste for anything special?'' - Marie: ''I''m not fussy. I eat what you put in front of me.''

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