
male genital mutilation:

Another name for male circumcision; used mainly by people who believe that most circumcisions performed in hospitals today are medically unnecessary.
See Also: accoutrements, Adams arsenal, affairs, Antipodes, apparatus, automutilation, auxiliaries, bald eagle, basket crusher, belongings, Big Jim and the twins, bits, bogga, cluster, credentials, dancer's belt, dangling participles, do-hickies, dohickeys, dohickies, engine, essentials, fancy work, gearbox, generative organ, genitomorphism, hardware, HGM, kit, lower deck, luggage, machinery, nuts and bolts, male organs of generation, male organs of reproduction, male reproductive organs, nasty bits, natural places, nuts and bolts, parts of generation, parts of reproduction, pencil and tassel, picnic lunch, prack, privy limbs, pubic area, say high mass, secret works, secrets, self-mutilation, swing on some flivver, tackle, three-piece set, three-piece suit, undercarriage, virilia

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