
turn gay:

1. To discover or to declare one's homosexuality .

2. More rarely, to become a prostitute .

See Also: 5-alpha-reductase, abyss, advanced in years, advertising bar, aggie, anal fissure, angel food, arse up, babette, badido, bambi effect, bardajes, barfairy, beefcake books, bod-comic, bona omi, bondage queen, booby prize, bouquet of pansies, break luck, breeder fish, brownie queen, bull party, buller, bum boys, bun woman, bust one's beads, butt book, campfire girl, chicken-house, chicken-little, chicken-with-a-basket, Circe, closet name, commercial queer, confirmed bachelor, cook book, crevice courier, Cuban pumps, dangle queen, dizzy-queen, Dowager Queen, drive-in levis, fag hots, fag-lang, faglish, French revolution, fruit cup, Gabe Asher, Gail, Galilee stompers, gay house, gay in the legs, gay lib, gay liberation, gay milk bar, gay rights, gay-leria, gaydom, gaylese, GHM, girl scout, glory hole sex, golden shower queen, goober smoocher, GWM, hitchpussy, ILGA, ill-piece, intermediate sex, kissing fish, lacy, LBGT, lesbian feminist, limp-wristed, lover under the lap, Miss Thing, Nora Naugahide, Norman Normal, old crank case, oyster stew, pansyland, perpetual emotion, pink panther gay libber, pink triangle, pissy queen, poodle queen, princepessa, pull a trick, punkie, puppy flesh, Queen of Scotch, queen's gilded cage, rattle the (giddy) beads, read the beads, rubber queen, sausage jockey, sea food, sister act, slip into, snow queen, Stonewall Uprising, The, suck-queen, tat, tattoo boy, tavern maid, tea dance, toilet water, tonsila, toss freaks, tour time, tourist, tranny fucker, triple header, turn (someone's) head, turn a date, turn a trick, turn off, turn on, turn the corner, turnover, turnpike, valley of tears, vanilla queen, visible panty line, water chestnut, wear giddy beads, yeomanette

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