

Older container metaphor for vagina . See vagina for synonyms.
See Also: creep house, creep-joint, eight-pager, no lead in his pencil, no toothpaste in the tube, Tijuana Bible

Quotes Containing wallet:
Mickey Gordon (Billy Crystal) to the nurse at the fertility clinic in Forget Paris (1995): - Nurse: ''We have X-rated tapes in case you need some help.'' - Mickey : ''Help!? Hahahaha! Help? I lettered in this in high school. I used to carry a picture of my right hand in my wallet .''
Mickey Gordon (Billy Crystal) to the nurse at the fertility clinic in Forget Paris (1995): - Nurse: ''We have X-rated tapes in case you need some help.'' - Mickey : ''Help!? Hahahaha! Help? I lettered in this in high school. I used to carry a picture of my right hand in my wallet .''

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