Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word

French goods:

Or: French-ache(s) / French-crown / French-disease / French-fever / French-gout / French-measles / French-mole / French-pig / French-pox , obsolete term for a venereal-disease , syphilis , gonorrhoea, etc., from a time when such diseases were blamed on foreigners, particularly those from Latin countries. To the French syphilis was known as The English Malady. See syphilis for synonyms.
See Also: accoutrements, aesthetically advantaged, amour fou, amour propre, amour socratique, bad, bad girl, baume de vie, beat one's time, beauhunk, bon vivant, bona, boner nochy, bordel, buzz kill, caca, Canuck, capote allemande, capote anglaise, cause of causes, chaud, codger, consolateur, coquette, coup de foudre, coxsman, culo, cultured, dame de voyage, danse du ventre, daughter of joy, decolletage, delire du toucher, doesn't know his ass from a hole in the groud, doesn't know shit from shinola, dolce vita, English malady, fille de joie, fille de nuit, fly, Fr, Fr act, Fr pas, Fr/A, Fr/P, French, French ache(s), French art(s), French article, French crown, French culture(s), French disease, French fare, French fever, French goods, French gout, French measles, French pig, French pox, French prints, Frenchified potatoes, frog legs, GIB, good sort, good sport, grande horizontale, grande passion, jiggle and jog, jive and juke, just good friends, kaka, kosher, lécheur, lécheuse, mackadocious, Mademoizook, maison de joie, mal d'amour, marrons, no Casanova, no Lothario, nymphe du pavé, oeillade, on the razzle, oragenital sex, oral coitus, oral copulation, oral eroticism, oral genitalism, oral intercourse, oral sex, oral stimulation, oral-genital sex, oralism, orogenital sex, orolabial stimulation, papillon d'amour, poule de luxe, pretty-boy, putain, redingote d'Angleterre, rickety-raw, roll-dog, roploplos, se branler, se crosser, se faire les cinq doigts de la main, se passer un poignet, six à neuf, speciman, stepping out, swaffonder, swap spit, swassonder, tantaleur, tantaleuse, touch the bun for luck, touche pipi, Trois, Les, undamaged goods, up for it, vache, vice allemand, voyeuse, wear, Yankee heaven, zouzoune

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