Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word

Greek active:

Or: Gr/A / Gr-act / active-Greek , the person who assumes the active role in anal-copulation ; the (anal) penetrator. See sodomite for synonyms.
See Also: active Greek, active partner, active sodomist, Afrodite, algolagnia, all tits and teeth, anal borer, anal intruder, anal rampooner, anal scientist, anaphrodisia, andrology, Aphrodite, ass farmer, ass thrasher, Astarte, athenian, Australian active, baby vamp, bachelor's life, ball of fire, bang artist, bangs like a tappet, beastess, beastette, bicycle rider, biscuit-bandit, bit of ass, black in white, bodyguard, booty-bandit, bottom surgeon, broiler, brownie queen, buey, bum-fugger, bunghole bandit, bunny cake, burgler, button-loose, catapygon, cheeks-spreader, chocolate starfish collector, cohabitation, colon-bowler, cultured, dangerous curve, Demeter, diddler, Ecstasy, Erato, eye doctor, fastie, fire-box, fizgig, Fr act, Fr/A, freewheeling femme, gigsy, giver, go places and do things, gonyphilia, gonyphilous, Gr, Gr act, Gr/A, Greek, Greek active, Greek art(s), Greek culture(s), Greek fashion, Greek love, Greek style, Greek way, greeking, gut-stuffer, gyn-, hetero-, hip-hitter, hot back, hot biscuit, hot bot, hot-assed woman, hot-panted woman, hotsy, hotter than a Fourth-of-July hoedown, humper and a pumper, a, hung like a rabbit, jay, keester-bandit, keister-bandit, kleptolagnia, knight of the golden grummet, lady hotbot, lust dog, man about town, mason, master-slave, mastos, meandering mama, Merry Magdalene, merry-legged, Miss Hotbot, mooners, mysandry, night-hunter, nimble-hipped, no better than she ought to be, OPAL, pedicator, pratt-hunter, pratt-man, psychrolagnia, raver, rear specialist, rump-ranger, sex bunny, sex machine, sexer, shagstress, shit stirrer, slavemaster, slaver, speed-dame, speedster, steamer, step around, step sister, stern chaser, stuffer, swift baby, swiftie, take a turn in the barrel, thyrsos, toc-, toco-, tok-, toko-, tom fucker, toss freaks, tribada, tribadus, Turk, tusk, twigger, wear boxer shorts, wheelman, XTacy, XTC, zorber

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