Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word


1. British usage for the penis . See penis for synonyms.

2. A male homosexual .

See Also: bilbo, gilette blade, young buck

Quotes Containing blade:
'You know , as the Alcalde's wife , I must play many, many roles, but the people only see the part I play in public. Only a few select friends know my private-parts .' Florinda (Brenda Vaccaro) to Don Diego Vega (George Hamilton) in Zorro, The Gay Blade (1981)
'They say the navy makes men. Well, I'm living proof they made me.' Ramon Vega (George Hamilton), who has now changed his name to Bunny Wigglesworth, to his brother Diego (George Hamilton) in Zorro, The Gay Blade (1981)
Florinda (Brenda Vaccaro) to Don Diego Vega (George Hamilton) in Zorro, The Gay Blade (1981): ''You know , as the Alcalde''s wife , I must play many, many roles, but the people only see the part I play in public. Only a few select friends know my private-parts .''

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