Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word


In high school parlance, an attractive male.
See Also: airborne copulation, b-boy, B-G, baby child, babyology, battyman, bed partner, benny house, bloody red flag is up, the, boy, boy brothel, Button your arse!, bwoy, calf love, cherry top, chicken-meter, chicken-with-a-basket, cream of the crop, debag, drooly, fag factory, flower house, fly, fly manually, flying manual, GB, girl-crazy, he-whore, Hollywood hustler, honeysuckle vine, husband for a weekend, Jack ass, lily of the valley, little shaver, nan-boy, nancy boy, pasture woman, pederast, pee-pee lover, petticoat discipline, pinup boy, prick peddler, Professional queer, puto, red baron, red flag, the, rent boy, renter, saveloy, shop door, sport goods, sporting goods, street hustler, street mechanic, street-meat, swoony, T boy, T man, tail over the dashboard, touche pipi, trabajado trader, trader dick, Turkish medal, tweeny, twig and berries, twilight lads, twilight men, Venus with a penis, wankmonger, yob, zipper morals

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