Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word


Feces, from the Cockney rhyming slang lemon-curd , a rhyme with turd , by dropping the rhyming word.
See Also: bury the wick, dip the wick, F-word, frigging, lemon, lemonade, lemons, teenager, wet one's wick, wick

Quotes Containing lemon:
Sidney Melbourne (Bob Hope) in The Lemon Drop Kid (1951): ''You still have your hourglass figure , my dear, but most of the sand has gone to the bottom .''
Sidney Melbourne (Bob Hope) in The Lemon Drop Kid (1951): ?You still have your hourglass figure , my dear, but most of the sand has gone to the bottom .'
Sidney Melbourne (Bob Hope) in The Lemon Drop Kid (1951): ''You still have your hourglass figure , my dear, but most of the sand has gone to the bottom .''
John D . MacDonald in The Dreadful Lemon Sky about young people: ''They are on the edge of life and think they''re in the midst of it .''
Lauren Bacall to her husband Jack Lemon in My Fellow Americans (1998): ''Don''t say frigging , Russ. If you have to use the F-word go-for the gold.''
Oscar (Walter Matthau) trying to convince Felix (Jack Lemon) that they should make-a-play-for the two good-looking women, Thelma and Holly, in The Odd Couple II (1998): ''The wick is almost out , Felix. All I want is for the candle to glow rather than curse the darkness.''
Oscar (Walter Matthau) trying to convince Felix (Jack Lemon) that they should make-a-play-for the two good-looking women, Thelma and Holly, in The Odd Couple II (1998): ''The wick is almost out , Felix. All I want is for the candle to glow rather than curse the darkness.''

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