Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word

monthly blues:

The monthly menstrual flow or menses. See menstruation for synonyms.
See Also: alt.binaries.pictures.erotica, baby blue, baby blues, bad news, bends, the, bitched, buggered, and bewildered, blue, blue handkerchief, blue humor, blue-veined junket pump, broad jest, captain is at home, catamenia, catamenial discharge, courses, the, danger signal is up, the, dark blue handkerchief, dirty joke, ecdysia, flowers, the, light blue handkerchief, locker-room humor, menstruation, monthlies, monthly bill, monthly blues, monthly causes, monthly courses, monthly cycle, monthly flowers, monthly term, my little friend is here, my little sister is here, my little visitor is here, nuisance, the, Playboys Playmate, poke pants, pokes, red-haired visitor, stone-ache, those days of the month, vapours, the, visit from (Aunt) Flo, visit from my sister, visitor, visitor with the red hair has come

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