
queer bitch:

Obsolete in the sense defined by Captain Francis Grose in Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue (1811): ' An odd, out-of-the-way fellow .'
See Also: all butched up, beard, bearded lady, bent as a nine bob note, biatch, bitch, bitch's blind, bitch's Christmas, bitch-queen, bitches' blinds, bitches' Christmas, bluff, Brighton Pier, buccaneer, camp as a row of tents, cock bite, dogess, eer-quay, five-letter woman, flinking, ginger beer, King Lear, proud, queen's Christmas, queer, queer as a football bat, queer as a nine bob note, queer as a nine-dollar bill, queer as a square egg, queer as a three-dollar bill, queer fellow, queervert, three-dollar bill

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