

Or: P .C., politically correct, a euphemism acceptable in polite society.
See Also: androdyke, androgynous dyke, flannel-shirt dyke, hermaphrodite dyke, hermaphrodyke, hymenally challenged, PC, politically correct dyke, pubococcygeal muscle, pubococcygeous muscle, pubococcygeus

Quotes Containing PC:
Tai (Brittany Murphy), Cher (Alicia Silverstone) and Dionne (Stacey Nash) in Clueless (1995): - Tai: ''Cher, you''re a virgin?'' - Char: ''God! You say that like it''s a bad-thing .'' - Dionne: ''Besides, the P .C. term is hymenally-challenged.''
Tai (Brittany Murphy), Cher (Alicia Silverstone) and Dionne (Stacey Nash) in Clueless (1995): - Tai: ''Cher, you''re a virgin?'' - Char: ''God! You say that like it''s a bad-thing .'' - Dionne: ''Besides, the P .C. term is hymenally-challenged.''
Tai (Brittany Murphy), Cher (Alicia Silverstone) and Dionne (Stacey Nash) in Clueless (1995): - Tai: ''Cher, you''re a virgin?'' - Char: ''God! You say that like it''s a bad-thing .'' - Dionne: ''Besides, the P .C. term is hymenally-challenged.''

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