
balling off:

To masturbate , said of males. See masturbation-male for synonyms.
See Also: all day, all night, anal violin, ball, ball bag, ball basket, ball sack, ball stretcher with chain, ball wracker, ball-breaker, ball-buster, ball-tearer, ballbag, ballroom, balls, balls in a sling, bawls, Ben Wa Balls, bitch's Christmas, bitches' Christmas, buddy-fuck, buff ball, buff ball and ballum rancum, buonballs, Burmese balls, C & B bondage, C & B play, C & B Torture, C and B torture, C/B/T/T, camp it off, CB, CBB, CBT, CBTT, Chew my shorts!, cobbler's awls, cobbler's stall, cocksucker's teeth, coffee stalls, dealing, dew off the lily, dog with two dicks, double jacking, dual masturbation, flip it around, flip it off, flip off, flip oneself off, fuck off, geisha balls, Henry Halls, interrupted coitus, J.O., jack-off session, Jackie, jerking iron, jerky, jump off/out at..., light up, marble halls, masturbation-male, Max Walls, Niagara Falls, nobby halls, nut-cruncher, off, on, orchestra stalls, playing chopsticks, pound it, prick rag, pull off, pull oneself off, Rino Tama, saw off a chunk, saw off a piece, shoot, slabs, slow exotic, squeeze it off, squeeze off, stick and bangers, stone-ache, Swedish culture, swordfighting, tear a piece of ass, tear off a piece (of ass), Thai beads, turnpike, unass, vaginal balls, walkout, wank stick, Wentworth Falls, whack off, whank off, WOOPIE, work one's ass off, yanker, YMCA

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