

1. Or: G , the vagina . See vagina for synonyms. (Pronounced with a hard G .)

2. A term for abuse for a woman .

See Also: bi, G, G-string, geegee (hole), give someone the works, jump bones, jump someone's bones, looking for Waldo & his dog, smitten, smitten with, smut

Quotes Containing gee:
Gee Money (Allen Payne) in New Jack City (1991): ''I had my jimmy whacked every day.''
Gee Money (Allen Payne) in New Jack City (1991): ''I had my jimmy whacked every day.''
Vantine (Jean Harlow) asking Dennis Carson (Clark Gable) for a goodbye kiss in Red Dust (1932): ''Gee, Dennis, I don''t want any ceremony but turn around and give me the works. ''
Charlie McCarthy (voice Edgar Bergen) and the soda jerk in Look Who''s Laughing (1941): - Soda jerk : ''Gee, you''re really smitten , aren''t you, Charlie?'' - Charlie : ''Yeah! The trouble with me is when I''m smitten I stay smut .''
Rena (Prunella Gee) in a bath with Keogh (Michael Caine) in The Wilby Conspiracy (1974): - Rena: ''You have a pleasant face Keogh, but your bones are arranged all wrong.'' - Keogh: ''And your bones are arranged all right, all over, and I''m about to jump all over those beautiful bones .''

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