

1. Informal term for the corona of the penis .

2. A variation on knob , the glans-penis . See penis for synonyms.

3. Or: the knot that binds , the bonds of matrimony . To tie the knot , to get married .

See Also: all penis bondage, bullwhip, buntline hitch, cat-o-nine-tails, constrictions, dog clutch, dog-locked, knot, love knot, penis captivus, tie that binds, the, truelove knot, truelover's knot

Quotes Containing knot:
Captain Al Giles (Earl Billings) to Chris (Richard Dreyfuss) and Bill (Emilio Estevez) in Stakeout (1987): ''And if you fuck this up , I''m going to take your nuts and tie ''em into a knot and run them through my shredder.''
Captain Al Giles (Earl Billings) to Chris (Richard Dreyfuss) and Bill (Emilio Estevez) in Stakeout (1987): ''And if you fuck this up , I''m going to take your nuts , tie ''em into a knot and run them through my shredder.''

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