

Gay usage of the 1960s for a penis . See penis for synonyms.
See Also: altocalciphilia, cocksucker red, lipstick lesbian, made up like Faust, put lipstick on his dipstick, put lipstick on the dipstick

Quotes Containing lipstick:
Philip Marlow (Robert Montgomery) to Adrienne Fromsett (Audrey Totter) in Lady in the Lake (1946): 'Your lipstick is on crooked. '
V.I. (Kathleen Turner) about her sparkling red shoes in V.I. Warshawski (1991): ''There''s something about the right shade of lipstick and a great pair of shoes that just make a gal feel anything is possible.''
V.I. (Kathleen Turner) about her sparkling red shoes in V.I. Warshawski (1991): ''There''s something about the right shade of lipstick and a great pair of shoes that just make a gal feel anything is possible.''

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