

Or: ralph up , Americanism of the 1970s, to vomit . See vomit for synonyms.
See Also: communicable disease, proctophallism, ralph, ultraviolet wand, violet wand, vomit, wand

Quotes Containing ralph:
Ralph (Danny DeVito) to Jack Colton (Michael Douglas) in The Jewel of the Nile (1985):''Look at these guys, Colton. No sheep is safe tonight.''
Ralph (Danny DeVito) to Jack Colton (Michael Douglas) in The Jewel of the Nile (1985): ''Look at these guys, Colton. No sheep is safe tonight.''
Ralph (Danny DeVito) blaming Jack Colton (Michael Douglas) for his incarceration in The Jewel of the Nile (1985): ''They threw me in a jail filled with rejects from the communicable-diseases ward. Every wacko, drippy, open-soared low-life was in that joint , all of ''em wanting to hire on as my proctologist.''
''His ass is so tight when he farts only dogs can hear it .'' Ex-cop Lenny Nero (Ralph Fiennes) about Deputy Police Commissioner Palmer Strickland in Strange Days (1995)
''His ass is so tight when he farts only dogs can hear it .'' Ex-cop Lenny Nero (Ralph Fiennes) about Deputy Police Commissioner Palmer Strickland in Strange Days (1995)
Noel (Stephen Rae) hitting on Angie Scacciapensieri (Geena Davis) in Angie (1994): - Noel: ''We haven''t met. My name is Noel. Yours, please?'' - Angie: ''Ralph.'' - Noel: ''Oh, we''re giving real names. Mine''s Denise.'' - Angie: ''Are you lonely or horny? What''s your problem?'' - Noel: ''I''m Irish which often gets confused for lonely and horny .''
Mrs. Emma Peel (Uma Thurman) and John Steed (Ralph Fiennes) in The Avengers (1999): - Mrs. Peel: 'I'm the sort that doesn't take 'no' for an answer.' - John Steed: 'I think that would depend entirely on the question.' METHAPHORICAL YES-SES!!!
''A grown man is no more than his family . Your kids, your old-lady , headaches maybe, but they''re who you are.'' Bailbondsman Ritchie Blumenthal (Eli Wallach) to Ralph ''Papa'' Thorson (Steve McQueen) in The Hunter (1980)
Ralph (Danny DeVito) to Jack Colton (Michael Douglas) in The Jewel of the Nile (1985): ''Look at these guys, Colton. No sheep is safe tonight.''

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