

Or: badly smitten / deeply smitten , to have a powerful, unreasoning attraction for someone. See love for synonyms.


(1) Parry (Robin Williams) in The Fisher King (1991): ' I'm deeply smitten! '

(2) Charlie McCarthy (voice Edgar Bergen) and the soda jerk in Look Who's Laughing (1941):
-- Soda jerk : ' Gee, you're really smitten, aren't you, Charlie? '
-- Charlie : ' Yeah! The trouble with me is when I'm smitten I stay smut .'

(3) Stella Purdy (Stella Stevens) to Buddy Love (Jerry Lewis) in The Nutty Professor (1963): ' Well, mister, this is one kitten that won't be smitten by that little old devil .'

See Also: ass over head, be mad about, bitten, bitten by the love bug, crush, far gone, hard hit, heels over head (in love), over head and heels (in love), smite, smitten, smitten with, smut, struck by lightning

Quotes Containing smitten:
Parry (Robin Williams) in The Fisher King (1991): ''I''m deeply smitten!''
Charlie McCarthy (voice Edgar Bergen) and the soda jerk in Look Who''s Laughing (1941): - Soda jerk : ''Gee, you''re really smitten , aren''t you, Charlie?'' - Charlie : ''Yeah! The trouble with me is when I''m smitten I stay smut .''
Nathaniel Mayweather (Charles Elliott) and Trina (Melora Walters) in Cabin Boy (1994): - Nay: ''Did I mention I have an incredible crush on you?'' - Trina: ''That''s wonderful. I''m always flattered when a psychotic becomes smitten-with me.''
Nathaniel Mayweather (Charles Elliott) and Trina (Melora Walters) in Cabin Boy (1994): - Natheniel:'Did I mention I have an incredible crush on you?' - Trina:'That's wonderful. I'm always flattered when a psychotic becomes smitten-with me.'

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