Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word

tail dating:

In California, a dating system based on coded bumper and window stickers provided by commercial dating services who, for a fee, supply your name and telephone number to tail daters.
See Also: a proper bit of frock, abnormal forms, automatic muzzle loader, best girl, bob-tail, bobtail, Bohemian love, brother girl, brothers and sisters, cat-o-nine-tails, caudal, caudate, chase pussy, chronological age, clack box, coccyx, corporation, daily, daily mail, derby kelly, dial plate, flogger, fud, funny man, gin lane, gin trap, girlie magazine, go around with, go out with, go steady, good front, honeyfuggle, male tale, prick-juice, proper bit of frock, pussy queer, raree show, ring-tail, snitch, split-mutton, steady, steady date, tail, tail dating, tail end, tail high, tail over the dashboard, tit-whip, VBD, work one's ass off

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