Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word


Or: sexual-union , sexual-intercourse , based on the joining or coming-together of two people. See copulation for synonyms.
See Also: coition, coitus, commissure, congress, consummate a marriage, consummate a relationship, consummate a union, copulate, coyote, Don Juan syndrome, Don Juanism, homunculi, junction, liaison, osculate, passionate love, rule of three, spintra, union

Quotes Containing union:
Molly Monahan (Barbara Stanwyck) to Jeff Butler (Joel McCrea) in Union Pacific (1939): ''Sure there will be some girl there to throw sheep''s eyes at you.''
Kay Thorndyke (Angela Lansbury) to her married friend Grant Matthews (Spencer Tracy) in State of the Union (1948):''I''m the corner of this triangle that will take the beating .''
Molly Monahan (Barbara Stanwyck) to Jeff Butler (Joel McCrea) in Union Pacific (1939): ''Sure there will be some girl there to throw sheep''s eyes at you.''
Molly Monahan (Barbara Stanwyck) to Jeff Butler (Joel McCrea) in Union Pacific (1939): ''You think I''m an outrageous flirt . (...) But didn''t you ever know that flirting get''s into a woman''s blood like fighting get''s into a man''s? Now a girl begins coquetting to discover if she has the power. Then she goes looking, like a fighter after a bully , for the hardest man to conquer, but it''s never the man she wants, it''s the pleasure of bringing him to her feet.''

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