Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word

water the hot spot:

Of a female, to masturbate . See masturbation-female for synonyms.
See Also: albutophilia, appetence, appetency, appetite, aquaphobia, ardor veneris, assisted shower, beauty mark, bed bugs, bidet, C-light, carnal desire, cloven inlet, coitus a unda, comfort zone, cookie crumbs, damp patch, erotic peeing, fervent, fervid, fishbowl dancer, hard breathing, hot, hot bot, hot flash, hot flush, hot for, hydrophobia, hygrophobia, Irish confetti, pass through the fire, pee-games, peegames, rheomism, rheomist, rheononia, tit in a wringer, transdetector, W.C., W/S, wife in watercolors, WS, WS/GS

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