
cracking off:

Of a male, to masturbate and ejaculate. See masturbation-male for synonyms.
See Also: all day, all night, backeye slice, backeye slit, broad smile, brownsward, buddy-fuck, bum cleavage, butt-crack, buttocks cleavage, camp it off, Chew my shorts!, crack Judy's teacup, crack salesman, cracking tool, crackish, crepitate, dealing, dew off the lily, double jacking, dual masturbation, female gimcrack, flip it around, flip it off, flip off, flip oneself off, foul line, fuck off, interrupted coitus, J.O., jack-off session, Jackie, jerking iron, jerky, jump off/out at..., light up, lilies of the valley, masturbation-male, off, on, playing chopsticks, pound it, prick rag, pull off, pull oneself off, reverse cleavage, riders, saw off a chunk, saw off a piece, shoot, ski up and down Happy Valley, Skinny rubbing, slow exotic, squeeze it off, squeeze off, strawberry, Swedish culture, swordfighting, tear a piece of ass, tear off a piece (of ass), tongue the tan track, tonguing the tan track, turnpike, unass, vertical grin, walkout, wank stick, whack off, whank off, WOOPIE, work one's ass off, yanker, YMCA

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