

Possessing a pleasing physique and a well-proportioned figure , more often said of women.
See Also: calliphygian, classic proportions, eyeful, fleshpot, gains, good looker, leggy, looker, a, pins, skinz, statuesque, zaftig, zoftig

Quotes Containing shapely:
James Bond (Roger Moore) and a shapely woman in Octopussy (1983): - Woman: 'You have a very good memory for faces. ' - James Bond: 'And figures. '
James Bond (Roger Moore) and a shapely woman in Octopussy (1983): - Woman: ''You have a very good memory for faces. '' - James Bond: ''And figures. ''
''You know , there''s nothing I like better than to meet a high-class mama that can snap back at you. Because the colder they are the hotter they get . That''s what I always say. Yes Sir! When a cold mama gets hot , boy! how she sizzles (...) Believe me sister, I could go-for you in a big way .'' Oscar ''One-On-The-Side'' Shapely (Roscoe Karns) to Ellie Andrews (Claudette Colbert) in It Happened One Night (1934)

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