
vulgar tongue:

Language as spoken by the common people, the masses, the hoi polloi: slang; slanguage; slangspeak; patois; gaylese ; gayspeak, Polari, Rap, Americanese, Britspeak, Spanglish, slanglish, etc.
See Also: all-beef sausage, amorous congress, arsey-versey, article, aspen leaf, ass-bite, Athanasian wench, bachelor's fare, bacon bomb doors, ballum rancum, basket making, bastardly gullion, be in a woman's beef, bear-garden language, beard-splitter, beau nasty, beef jibber, bleached mort, blood-breaker, blowen, blue boar, bob-tail, bobtail, bovine drapes, box tonsils, buck, buck fitch, Buckinger's boot, bumper sticker, bunter, burning shame, bushel bubby, butterfly flick, buttock and tongue, buttock ball, buttock jig, buttock stirring, C**T, Carvel's ring, case vrow, cat call, cat heads, catheads, cheese factory, chitty-faced, clack, clacker, clapper, clicket, clit clot, coarse piece, cock-a-whoop, codpiece, coffee house, coffee shop, cold meat, Colt's tooth, commodity, Convent Garden, Covent Garden, Covent Garden ague, covey, crack a pitcher, crack the pipkin, crack the pitcher, cracked pipkin, cracked pitcher, craphole fuck, crinkum crankum, crust, crusty beau, cuckold the parson, cum-gargling fucker, cundum, cunt fart, cunt hunt, cunt lapping, cunt rag, cunt-sucking, cuntsmith, curtezan, custom-house, cutty-eye, daylights, deep kiss, dells, demi-rep, dirty hole, dock, dog's rig, domine do little, doodle sack, double fuck, draggy udders, droopers, dry hole, dumb watch, dust cover for the cunt, empty tunnel, faggots lunch box, fags toothbrush, fat flabs, feather bed jig, fed at both ends, fetch mettle, fish dinner, flab hangings, flabby melons, flash man, flash the hash, flat cock, flesh beer towels, flogging cully, flyer, frenchified, frenulum of the tongue, fribble, fruitful vine, fubsey, fumbler, fussock, fusty luggs, gab, gam, gamb, gander month, gap-stopper, get, get some cunt, gill, gills, gimcrack, gingambobs, give a girl a green gown, give tonsil-lectomy, glimflashy, go under the house, go-between, gollompus, grafted, green sickness, grind, gutter, had'em, hair splitter, hairy pipi, hairy whizzer, hanging bacon, hanging basket, Hans Carvel's ring, harridan, hat, he-blow, hearing cheats, hedge whore, hedge-creeper, hellcat, henpecked, horn mad, horn work, hose job, hoydon, hummums, indorser, Irish beauty, Jack in the box, Jack Whore, jade, jakes, jilted, jimcrack, jock, jokum cloy, jowl, keep it up, keeping cully, kettledrums, kissonyms, knobble, knock, knock one on, lady birds, leaping over the sword, left-handed wife, letch, lib, lickbox, lob cock, lock hospital, Lord knows where, lung nuts, lung warts, mackerel, Madam Ran, madge, madge culls, man's privities, matrimonial peace-maker, melting moments, merkin, merry arse Christian, Miss Laycock, Miss Molly, money, mort, mount a corporal and four, mouth wrestle, mouth wrestling, mow, Mrs. Princum Prancum, mutton-monger, muttoner, nimgimmer, nose to hose, notch, nub, old dose, on the town, ox drapes, peculiar, peppered, persuader, physog, phyz, piece, pig sticking, pimp whiskin, piss prophet, piss proud, pissing pins and needles, pitcher, plug-tail, pope's eyes, the, porking de ho, prig, prigging, prigstar, prime article, princum prancum, proud, public ledger, pucker water, pully hawly, punk, pus glands, quail-pipe, queer bitch, queer mort, quicunque vult, quim, rabbit catcher, ranlum scrantum, rantallion, rantum scantum, rat-trap, receiver general, riding St. George, romp, rotten crotch, round-mouth, rum blowen, rum doxy, rum mort, sardine can, scum-twat, scumsuck, scut, sewer-chewing, shanker, shit locker, short-heeled wench, skin sacks, slattern, slime-hole, slippery slued, sloppy bot, slugs, smack, smell-hole, smelly pussy, smut, snoozing-ken, socket money, soul case, soul kissing, Spanish padlock, spice island, squirrel, stink-pit, strap, strapping, strum, suck cock, suck-cocker, taster, tetbury portion, Thomas, thorough-good-natured wench, three-penny upright, three-penny uprighter, throw the tongue, tip the velvet, token, tongue, tongue kissing, tongue the tan crack, tongue the tan track, tongue wrestle, tonguing the tan crack, tonguing the tan track, top balls, top-diver, toss off, town bull, town rake, trashy, tu quoque, tuna taco, tuzzy-muzzy, twat rug, twat-faithful, twiddle poop, two-handed put, up your ass!, wagtail, wap, wasp, Westminster wedding, wet burger, wet kissing, wet-mop, whiffles, white love piss, whither-go-ye, whore-hopper, widow's weeds, wife in watercolors, windward passage, wolf in the breast, woman's commodity, woman's privities, wriggling pole, wriggling stick, wrinkle-belly, xantippe, yeast bag

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