
body lover:

A homosexual frotteur.
See Also: a bit of mess, abuse-dwarfism, ace lover, agastopia, Amantes sunt amentes, Amantium irae, amoris integratio est, amatorial, amorosa, amoroso, anagapesis, anat, around the world in eighty ways, arseduke, autodysomophobia, autoscopophilia, B.O., baby-split, bardajes, BBT, belly woman, berry, big moment, bird dog, bitch boy, blind love, bodily, bodily functions, bodmod, body esteem, bone house, bromidrophobia, bromidrosiphobia, brother starling, bubbies' uncle, bubby heaters, bush talk, cacti, canoodlers, captain, carcass, chippy on, chuff chums, cicatrization, comfort zone, companion, conditional love, contour, contrasexism, corporocity, crumb, cuddle birds, cuddle doves, cut him off, depilate, depilation, dextral, dextrocardia, dextrophobia, do the grand tour, dolly pals, dolorogenic zone, dorian, double cross, double up on, double-clock, double-clocker, double-crosser, dual dildo, erotogenic zones, eye-gazer, face on a stick, figger, fish mitten, flab, frame, free holder, give up rhythm, go around the world, go domestic, go head over heels, good figure, good looker, grand tour, haunch, hawk one's meat, hawk one's pearly, heart team, hormonal reassignment therapy, hot spot, hot-pillow joint, hug center, immuno-compromised, ipserotic, jilt, krud, levophobia, linguistic cross-dressing, love cheat, love doves, love knot, love letter, love nook, lovelock, midsection, monopathophobia, mushroom, no Casanova, no Lothario, nondiscretionary fragrance, paramour, petting, philogynist, physical, pop shot, pork packer, possesh, pronoun reversal, proof shot, proper Casanova, a, PTA, Queen of Hearts, ring-tail, Russian salad party, scarring, side dish, significant other, slowie, spit bath, splash shot, spoonies, step-out-oner, stepper-outer, stepping out on, string bondage, sweet mama, sweet-hot, tactus, take a trip around the world (in eighty ways), tape, temperature eroticism, temple of profit, Thisbe, throws a mean fuck, throws a wicked fuck, tiff, TLC, toilet talk, tongue bath, toss freaks, total coverage, trick-out, trigger zone, trip around the world, truelover's knot, trysting place, tuck, turgescent, two-timer, unfurnished apartment, walkout, wand vibrator, wank tank, Wet Massage, wet shot, widowed aunt, zoophile

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