

Slangspeak for deflowered . See deflower for synonyms.
See Also: acrosome, ass-out, avisodomy, bach night, bachelor night, back door trumpet, back in circulation, bed bugs, bent-wrist, biting, blast off, blood sports, blue flame, break, break a cherry, break open the pie, break somebody in, break up, break wind, breaking luck, breath control, bring out (of the closet), Broken Cloud, bronco, burgle, cackle, cop a cherry, Covent Garden ague, crack a cherry, crack a teacup, Dear John, divorce, drain the main vein, fake it, force-fuck, fuck out, fugo, heart breaker-upper, heart-crusher, heart-smasher, heartbreaker, home wrecker, KY jelly, lesbionage, limp-wrist, love cracked, main vein, makeup, matchrupcy, melt the seal, pick a cherry, pickup line, piles, pop somebody open, shatter the seal, spintra, tea, titty, trick day, trick night, undefuckable, walkout, wind

Quotes Containing broken:
Meg (Mary Kay Place) to Sarah (Glenn Close) on the subject of dating in The Big Chill (1983):'They're either married or gay . And if they're not gay , they've just broken up with the most wonderful woman in the world or they've just broken up with a bitch who looks just like me. They're in transition from a monogamous relationship and they need more space or they're tired of space but they just can't commit or they want to commit but they're afraid to get close. They want to get close, you don't want to get near them.'
''Henry, some men are broken by the laws that they break , unable to resist the force that are pushing them down , other men live by the rules that society has set down . You''re not one of them.'' Associate warden Milton Glenn (Gary Oldman) to Henry Young (Kevin Bacon) in Murder in the First (1994)
''It was a street of frustrated hopes and broken dreams. Everything was cheap and cut-rate. Even the prostitutes were having a sale.'' P.I. Rigby Reardon''s (Steve Martin) voice over monologue parodies film noirs of the 1940s in Dead Men Don''t Wear Plaid (1982)
Rigby Reardon (Steve Martin) in Dead Men Don''t Wear Plaid (1982): ''It was a street of frustrated hopes and broken dreams. Everything was cheap and cut-rate. Even the prostitutes were having a sale.''
Rigby Reardon (Steve Martin) in Dead Men Don''t Wear Plaid (1982): ''It was a street of frustrated hopes and broken dreams. Everything was cheap and cut-rate. Even the prostitutes were having a sale.''

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