Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word


Deflowered. See deflower for synonyms.
See Also: alley apple, ass crack, backeye slice, backeye slit, bag bride, broad smile, brownsward, bullwhip, bum cleavage, butt-crack, buttocks cleavage, calk, caulk, chink, cleavage, cleft, crack, crack a pitcher, crack a teacup, crack Judy's teacup, crack run, crack salesman, crack the pipkin, crack the pitcher, cracked pipkin, cracked pitcher, cracking, cracking tool, crackish, crease, crepitate, crevice, female gimcrack, floozy, foul line, gimcrack, happy valley, horny, hungry arse, jimcrack, lilies of the valley, lip, pitcher, reverse cleavage, riders, rock whore, skeezer, ski up and down Happy Valley, Skinny rubbing, split, strawberry, tongue the tan track, tonguing the tan track, valley, vertical grin, wedge, Yasser, Yasser Crackafat

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