Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word


To make an offer of marriage .
See Also: Adam-and-Eve it, adventuress, androtrope, ankle up the aisle, controsexual, feminosexual, fire the question, go down route sixty-nine, gyneotrope, herosexual, hes, hir, homogenic, homoism, homophylophilia, intermediate sex, intersexual, isosexual, Kinsey One, Kinsey Six, lovemaking, pop the question, proposition someone, route 69, route sixty-nine, sex-chauvinist, simulsexual, take the fatal jump, take the fatal leap, take the fatal step

Quotes Containing propose:
Charlie (Henry Fonda) and Jean (Barbara Stanwyck) in The Lady Eve (1941): - Charlie Pike: ''Are you an adventuress?'' - Jean Harrington: ''Of course I am. All women are. They have to be. If you waited for a man to propose to you from natural courses, you''d die of old maidenhood .''

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