

1. To undress.

2. To perform a strip dance or striptease .

3. Short for stripper or stripteaser .
Synonyms: bumper ; ecdysiast ; exotic-dancer ; kootch-dancer ; nude dancer; peeler ; slinger ; stripper ; strippo ; stripster ; stripteaser ; striptease-artist ; teaser ; torso-tosser ; tosser ; uncover-girl ; weaver .
See also: cement-mixer ; fishbowl-dancer ; grinder .

See Also: apodysophilia, assc, bacon, bearded clam, bikini bar, binding, body shop, booth dance, bottomless, breakfast of champion, bullwhip, bum bacon, bumper, Caspar Milquetoast, CO, cock and ball harness, cock harness, coocher, eight-pager, exotic dancer, flesh peddler, grind house, K-Mart crowd, peel, peeler, red-light districk, slinger, steerer, stripper, strippo, stripster, striptease, striptease artist, stripteaser, table dancing, Tijuana Bible, tipout, topless bar, torso-tosser, uncover girl, up close and personal, weaver, whip

Quotes Containing strip:
Charlie Brown in the Peanuts comic strip by Charles Schult: ''Nothing takes the taste out of peanut butter quite like unrequited love .''
K. S. Daly. Sex. An Encyclopedia for the Bewildered (1995): ''Following the first strip-tease performance at the Moulin Rouge in Paris in February 1893, other performances attempted to add some imaginative variety to the proceedings. One of these, La Puce (or The Flea) featured a young woman who, on discovering a flea in her clothing, had no option but to divest.''
Judge (Ferdinand Gottschlak) and Rosie (Winnie Lightner) in Dancing Lady (1933): - The judge: ''Now, Miss Leroux, just what constitutes a strip-tease?'' - Rosette Henriette Larue: ''A good constitution and a couple of zippers.''
K. S. Daly. Sex. An Encyclopedia for the Bewildered (1995): ''Following the first strip-tease performance at the Moulin Rouge in Paris in February 1893, other performances attempted to add some imaginative variety to the proceedings. One of these, La Puce (or The Flea) featured a young woman who, on discovering a flea in her clothing, had no option but to divest.''
Judge (Ferdinand Gottschlak) and Rosie (Winnie Lightner) in Dancing Lady (1933): - The judge: ''Now, Miss Leroux, just what constitutes a strip-tease?'' - Rosette Henriette Larue: ''A good constitution and a couple of zippers.''

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