

1. The catamite of a pederast .

2. Occasionally, a deliberate misspelling of beau, a sweetheart .

3. BO, short for body-odor .

See Also: bad lamps, benrus queen, bo, Bo Peep, CO, doodle gazer, eyeball queen, hoods, jades, jazzbo, Lady Elgin, lookie freak, peek freak, peep freak, peepers, peer queer, spy queen, spy-smashers, tea timers, tinted bo-peeps, watch queen

Quotes Containing bo:
Bo Peep (Charlotte Henry) to Silas Barnaby (Henry Kleinach) in March of the Wooden Soldiers (1934): 'I wouldn't marry you if you were young, which you can't be, if you were honest, but you never were, or if you were about to die tomorrow, which is too much to hope for.'

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