

1. Hot, lusty , sexually aroused, said especially of women, based on vaginal-secretions and wetness. S/He all wet and ready to go. Slippery when wet . See horny for synonyms.


(1) Phyllis (Dorothy Lamour), washing her hair, and Sebastian (Cornel Wilde) when a handsome man walks by in The Greatest Show on Earth (1952):
-- Phyllis : ' Why is it that whenever he's around I'm all wet? '
-- Sebastian: ' In more ways than one .'

(2) Parisian cab driver Tibor Czerny (Don Ameche) and Eve Peabody (Claudette Colbert) coming-out of the rain in Midnight (1939):
-- Tibor: ' Aren't you wet through? '
-- Eve: ' How far do you think through is for a woman these days? '

(3) Chad Gates (Elvis Presley) to ocean wet Marie Duval (Joan Blackman) in Blue Hawaii (1961): ' On you, wet is my favorite color .'

(4) Jack Burroughs (Alan Alda) and Claudia Zimmer (Rita Moreno) in The Four Seasons (1981):
-- Jack: ' Sexuality was born in wetness .'
-- Claudia: ' It's easier that-way .'

(5) Nora Tilley (Barbara Hershey) in the rain with Bill Babowsky (Richard Dreyfuss) in Tin Men (1987): ' Wet becomes you .'

2. Transuding vaginal-secretions .

See Also: appetence, appetency, appetite, ardor veneris, arse pish, Big Foot Joe, bottom wetting, bury the wick, buttered finger, carnal desire, crazy about, cream one's knickers, cream one's pants, cream one's silkies, damp patch, dew on the lily, dork, dream whip, enuresis, fall for, fervent, fervid, get a wet bottorn, glamity, have a nocturnal, hygrophilematous, hygrophilia, madefaction, menstruation, oneirogmophobia, panty pisser, plonker, Scotch screw, sloppy seconds, urethral eroticism, urinism, uro-sexuality, urolagnia, urophile, urophilia, water sports, wet, wet and willing, wet bottom, wet deck(s), wet dream, wet dream-girl, wet fun, wet kiss, wet one, wet patch, wet sex, wet spot, wet times, wet weekend, wet-on, whipped cream, wick, wide-on

Quotes Containing wet:
Chad Gates (Elvis Presley) to ocean wet Marie Duval (Joan Blackman) in Blue Hawaii (1961): ''On you, wet is my favorite color.''
Chad Gates (Elvis Presley) to ocean wet Marie Duval (Joan Blackman) in Blue Hawaii (1961): ''On you, wet is my favorite color.''
Doris (Bette Midler) to Harry (Gene Hackman) in Get Shorty (1995): ''Harry Zimm. You look like a wet-kiss .''
Nora Tilley (Barbara Hershey) in the rain with Bill Babowsky (Richard Dreyfuss) in Tin Men (1987): ''Wet becomes you.''
Sir August De Winter (Sean Connery) to Dr. Emma Peel (Uma Thrman) in The Avengers (1998): ''You know , one should never fear being wet .''
You know , one should never fear being wet .' August De Winter (Sean Connery) to Emma Peel (Uma Thurman) in The Avengers (1999)
''You are like wet sand in my underwear .'' Cindy (Rosie Perez) to her flirting boss in Untamed Heart (1993)
Nora Tilley (Barbara Hershey) in the rain with Bill Babowsky (Richard Dreyfuss) in Tin Men (1987): ''Wet becomes you.''
Sir August De Winter (Sean Connery) to Dr. Emma Peel (Uma Thrman) in The Avengers (1998): ''You know , one should never fear being wet .''
Robin (Chris O''Donnell)) and Poison Ivy (Uma Thurman) in Batman-and-Robin (1997): - Robin: ''I need a sign that you''ve turned over a new leaf.'' - Poison Ivy: ''How about: slippery when wet?''
Phyllis (Dorothy Lamour), washing her hair, and Sebastian (Cornel Wilde) when a handsome man walks by in The Greatest Show on Earth (1952): - Phyllis : ''Why is it that whenever he''s around I''m all wet?'' - Sebastian: ''In more ways than one.''
Parisian cab driver Tibor Czerny (Don Ameche) and Eve Peabody (Claudette Colbert) coming-out of the rain in Midnight (1939): - Tibor: ''Aren''t you wet through?'' - Eve: ''How far do you think through is for a woman these days?''
Robin (Chris O''Donnell)) and Poison Ivy (Uma Thurman) in Batman-and-Robin (1997): - Robin: ''I need a sign that you''ve turned over a new leaf.'' - Poison Ivy: ''How about: slippery when wet?''
Parisian cab driver Tibor Czerny (Don Ameche) and Eve Peabody (Claudette Colbert) coming-out of the rain in Midnight (1939) - Tibor: 'Aren't you wet through?' - Eve: 'How far do you think through is for a woman these days?'
Doc Holiday (Walter Huston) to Rio MacDonald (Jane Russell) after Billy the Kid tied her with wet rawhide and left her in the sun to die in The Outlaw (1943): 'The crazier a man is about a woman , the crazier he thinks and the crazier he does. '
Phyllis (Dorothy Lamour), washing her hair, and Sebastian (Cornel Wilde) when a handsome man walks by in The Greatest Show on Earth (1952): - Phyllis : ''Why is it that whenever he''s around I''m all wet?'' - Sebastian: ''In more ways than one.''
Parisian cab driver Tibor Czerny (Don Ameche) and Eve Peabody (Claudette Colbert) coming-out of the rain in Midnight (1939): - Tibor: ''Aren''t you wet through?'' - Eve: ''How far do you think through is for a woman these days?''
Topper Harley (Charlie Sheen) to Ramada Thompson (Valeria Golino) in Hot Shots! (1991): ''I''ve fallen for you like a blind roofer. (...) My heart is falling down around my ankles like a wet pair of pants.''
Topper Harley (Charlie Sheen) to Ramada Thompson (Valeria Golino) in Hot Shots! (1991): ?I''ve fallen for you like a blind roofer. (...) My heart is falling down around my ankles like a wet pair of pants.?
Phyllis (Dorothy Lamour) having her hair washed when Sebastian (Cornel Wilde) walks by in The Greatest Show on Earth (1952): - Phyllis : ''Why is it that whenever he''s around I''m all wet?'' - Boyfriend: ''In more ways than one.''
Phyllis (Dorothy Lamour) having her hair washed when Sebastian (Cornel Wilde) walks by in The Greatest Show on Earth (1952): - Phyllis : ''Why is it that whenever he''s around I''m all wet?'' - Boyfriend: ''In more ways than one.''
Crash Davis (Kevin Costner) in Bull Durham (1988): ''I believe in the soul, the cock , the pussy , the small of a woman''s back , the hanging curveball, high fiber, good scotch, that the novels of Susan Sontag are self-indulgent over-rated crap . I believe that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. I believe they''re ought to be a Constitutional Amendment outlawing astro turf in the designated hitter. I believe in the sweet spot , soft core pornography , open your presents Christmas morning rather than Christmas Eve and I believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet-kisses that last three days.''
Crash Davis (Kevin Costner) in Bull Durham (1988): ''I believe in the soul, the cock , the pussy , the small of a woman''s back , the hanging curveball, high fiber, good scotch, that the novels of Susan Sontag are self-indulgent over-rated crap . I believe that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. I believe they''re ought to be a Constitutional Amendment outlawing astro turf in the designated hitter. I believe in the sweet spot , soft core pornography , open your presents Christmas morning rather than Christmas Eve and I believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet-kisses that last three days.''

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