

Or: Jenny , current street and rap slang term for the penis . See penis for synonyms.
See Also: case, itcher, jaded jenny, jenny, Kinsey Report, morning hard-on, ride, saddle

Quotes Containing jenny:
James Bood (Roger Moore) and Jenny Flex (Alison Doody) in A View to a Kill (1985): - James Bond: ''I take-it you spend quite a lot of time in-the-saddle .'' - Jenny Flex: ''Yes, I love an early ride .'' - James Bond: ''I''m an early riser myself.''
Clifford Stern (Woody Allen), a married man , tells his niece Jenny (Jenny Nichols) about his infatuation with Holly Reed (Mia Farrow) in Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989): ''My heart says one thing my head says another. It''s very hard to get your head and heart together in life . (...) In my case they''re not even friendly .''
Jenny (Lana Turner) and Rigby (Steve Martin) in Dead Men Don''t Wear Plaid (1982): - Jenny Sue: ''What are we going to do?'' - Rigby Reardon: ''Kinsey from cover to cover .''
Jenny (Lana Turner) and Rigby (Steve Martin) in Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid (1982): - Jenny Sue: 'What are we going to do?' - Rigby Reardon: 'Kinsey from cover to cover .'
Jenny MacLaine (Marsha Mason) to George Schneider (James Caan) in Chapter Two (1979): ''I want a home , I want a family and I want a career. I want everything. And there is no harm in wanting it , George, because there isn''t a chance in hell we''re going to get it all anyway.''

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