

Pertaining or expressing a neutral, non-judgmental point of view.
See Also: abacterial, absolute divorce, adulteress, adultism, athletic supporter, bohemian, Bohemian love, clean, fancy-free, freebie, gender-free language, glass asshole, herstory, heterosexism, homophobia, ladies room, lady, lady-killer, ladylike, lib, libber, machismo, male chauvinist pig, mankind, MCP, nonsexist language, opposite sex, pink, pre-woman, pseudogeneric, sex-chauvinist, sow one's wild oats, sweater girl, temptress, titty, unattached, up for grabs, wanton, wimmin, woman of size, woman-as-sex, womanist

Quotes Containing bias-free:
Rosalie Maggio. Dictionary of Bias-Free Usage (1991): ''Both young men and young women do this while their parents pray for crop failure.''
Rosalie Maggio, The Dictionary of Bias-Free Usage (1991): ''Heavily reinforced by advertising, which uses women''s sexuality to sell everything from razo blades to cars, this concept has had invidious results: prostitution , rape, laws and societies that "protect" women and relegate them to the status of children, words and attitudes that label women solely by their sexuality, even murder when the mythic cultural promise that women exist for the sexual pleasure of men goes unfulfilled.''
Rosalie Maggio, The Dictionary of Bias-Free Usage (1991): ''Heavily reinforced by advertising, which uses women''s sexuality to sell everything from razo blades to cars, this concept has had invidious results: prostitution , rape, laws and societies that "protect" women and relegate them to the status of children, words and attitudes that label women solely by their sexuality, even murder when the mythic cultural promise that women exist for the sexual pleasure of men goes unfulfilled.''
Rosalie Maggio, The Dictionary of Bias-Free Usage (1991): ''Men may buy pornography but women pay for it - in terms of exploitation, rape, violence, and a society that sees them as disposable sexual-objects. Pornography associates women with pain, inferiority, and humiliation ; the assumption for the user is that this is real and normal. Good sex is also a victim; a graduate of The School of Pornography is a sex-illiterate. Erotica differs from pornography in that it celebrates rather than degrades human-sexuality . It preserves the mutuality of sexual activity, is not exploitative, controlling, objectifying, addictive, a "using" activity, or affected by prurient-interests. ''
Rosalie Maggio, The Dictionary of Bias-Free Usage (1991): ''Men may buy pornography but women pay for it - in terms of exploitation, rape, violence, and a society that sees them as disposable sexual-objects. Pornography associates women with pain, inferiority, and humiliation ; the assumption for the user is that this is real and normal. Good sex is also a victim; a graduate of The School of Pornography is a sex-illiterate. Erotica differs from pornography in that it celebrates rather than degrades human-sexuality . It preserves the mutuality of sexual activity, is not exploitative, controlling, objectifying, addictive, a "using" activity, or affected by prurient-interests. ''
Rosalie Maggio, The Dictionary of Bias-Free Usage (1991): 'An understanding of the difference between sex and gender is crucial to the correct use of language. Sex is biological: people with male genitals are male, and people with female genitals are female. Gender is cultural: our notions "masculine" tells us how we expect men to behave and our notions of "feminine " tells us how we expect women to behave - but these may have nothing to do with biology. Gender signifies an individual's personal, legal, and social status without reference to genetic sex ; gender is a subjective cultural attitude while sex is an objective biological fact .'

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