Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word


Semen. See semen for synonyms.
See Also: lemon

Quotes Containing curd:
''As for you, baby , I''ve known dozen''s like you. Sappy kids with a heart like a curd dog that answers all the whistles and figures their having a good-time .'' Con artist Bill O''Brien (Douglas Fairbanks, Jr.) to out of work dancer Nina Barona (Rita Hayworth) in Angels Over Broadway (1940).
''As for you, baby , I''ve known dozen''s like you. Sappy kids with a heart like a curd dog that answers all the whistles and figures their having a good-time .'' Con artist Bill O''Brien (Douglas Fairbanks, Jr.) to out of work dancer Nina Barona (Rita Hayworth) in Angels Over Broadway (1940).

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