

Or: sheila , in Australia, a term of address for any woman .
See Also: Charley, Charlie, pro, Sheila, Sheila-na-gig, sissy

Quotes Containing Sheila:
Sheila/Red (Lana Turner) and Gil(bert) (James Stewart) in Ziegfeld Girl (1941): - Sheila : ''I''m a Ziegfeld girl!'' - Gilbert: ''You sound like a bottle of milk that just got certified.''
Sheila/Red (Lana Turner) and Gil(bert) (James Stewart) in Ziegfeld Girl (1941): - Sheila : ''I''m a Ziegfeld girl!'' - Gilbert: ''You sound like a bottle of milk that just got certified.''
Chris Morel (John Wayne) to Clara (Sheila Terry) in ''Neath the Arizona Skies (1934): ''Some men are like books written in a strange language, and that makes it awfully hard to read them.''
Chris Morel (John Wayne) to Clara (Sheila Terry) in ''Neath the Arizona Skies (1934): ''Some men are like books written in a strange language, and that makes it awfully hard to read them.''
Sheila Kingston''s (Rosie O''Donnell) voice over commentary at the end of Exit to Eden (1994): ''So, what did I learn from this case? No matter what your sexual-preference is true-love is still the ultimate fantasy.''
Sheila Kingston's (Rosie O'Donnell) voice over commentary at the end of Exit to Eden (1994): 'So, what did I learn from this case? No matter what your sexual-preference is true-love is still the ultimate fantasy.'

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