

1. To find a sex partner .

2. To succeed in persuading a woman to have sexual-intercourse . This term equates sex with success.

3. To have sexual-intercourse with a woman . This term equates sex with success. See copulation for synonyms.

4. To have an orgasm . To score up sums of pleasures , now obsolete, once meant ' to record orgasms '. James T. Henke in Courtesans and Cuckolds. A Glossary of Renaissance Dramatic Bawdy (1979). See orgasm for synonyms.

5. In male and female prostitution , to find a paying customer.

See Also: 4-11-44, chicken-meter, clapometer, home base, home plate, home run, scale, score, shooting gallery, stand up and cheer, stand up and shout

Quotes Containing score:
The short megalomaniac Dr. Noah (Woody Allen) in Casino Royale (1967): ''A world (...) where a man , no matter how short, can score-with a top broad .''
Stanley (Brian Drillinger) and Eugene (Jonathan Silverman) in Brighton Beach Memoirs (1986): - Stanley: ''How horny can you get?'' - Eugene: ''I don''t know . What''s the highest score?''

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