Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word


Female breasts. See breasts for synonyms and euphemisms.
See Also: Abraham's bosom, ambibombe, bazongas, bazoomas, bazoombas, bazooms, bazoongas, beausom, boody, boosiasm(s), bosiasm(s), bosom, bosom buddies, bosom buddy, bosom chums, bosom friends, breastage, callicolpos, colpette, crab lice, crabs, frontage, gay deceivers, masob(s), midriff, mosob(s), pediculosis pubis, pubic lice, smosabs, smosobs, sweater girl, zaftig, zoftig

Quotes Containing bosoms:
Mae Mordabito (Madonna) and Doris Murphy (Rosie O''Donnell) looking for ways to attract larger crowds to their baseball games in A League of Their Own (1992): - Mae: ''What if, at a key moment in-the-game , my uniform bursts open and, oops, my bosoms come flying out?'' - Doris: ''You think there are men in this country who ain''t seen your bosoms?''
Mae Mordabito (Madonna) and Doris Murphy (Rosie O''Donnell) trying to figure ways of attracting crowds to their baseball games in A League of Their Own (1992): - Mae: ''What if, at a key moment in-the-game , my uniform bursts open and, oops, my bosoms come flying out?'' - Doris: ''You think there are men in this country who ain''t seen your bosoms?''
Mae Mordabito (Madonna) and Doris Murphy (Rosie O''Donnell) trying to figure ways of attracting crowds to their baseball games in A League of Their Own (1992): - Mae: ''What if, at a key moment in-the-game , my uniform bursts open and, oops, my bosoms come flying out?'' - Doris: ''You think there are men in this country who ain''t seen your bosoms?''

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