

Or: dark-hole , the vagina . Dated, 19 th century usage. A shot in the dark , an act of sexual-intercourse with a woman . See vagina for synonyms.
See Also: bird's nest, black meat, black velvet, Blackout Romeo, blue handkerchief, braille party, camera obscura, cave of harmony, cellar, cellarage, come on over to the S & M side, couch, dark, dark blue handkerchief, dark hole, dive in the dark, dive into the dark, give a blow job, give head, light blue handkerchief, light meat, made up like Faust, nipple, nychtophobia, nyctohylophobia, nyctophobia, old dose, pimp shades, pimp tints, raspberry, scotophobia, shunamitism, skid marks, tunnel of love, white meat

Quotes Containing dark:
William Miller (Patrick Fugit) in Almost Famous (2000): ''I''m dark and myterious and PISSED OFF!''
Dark Helmet (Rick Moranis) at the sight of a pretty woman in Spaceballs (1987): ''I''ll bet she gives great helmet .''
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Alec Guinness) to Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamil) in The Empire Strikes Back (1980): ''Luke! Don''t give in to hate. That leads to the dark side.''
Chief Inspector Dreyfus (Herbert Lom) to Jacques Clouseau (Peter Sellers) in A Shot in the Dark (1964).''I hate you! Every little bit of you!''
Rita Cavallini (Greta Garbo) to her friend Cornelius Van Tayl (Lewis Stone) in Romance (1930): 'What is love? It's made of kisses in the dark , of hot breath on the face , of hearts that beat with terribly strong blows. Love is just a beast that you feed all through the night and when the morning comes, love dies. ' And later: 'To me love is only a little warmth in all this cold , just a little light in all this darkness, one little minute to lie still in the beloved's arms, one little minute to forget and that's all.'
Bob Seton (John Wayne) invited to dinner by William Cantrel (Walter Pigeon) in Dark Command (1940): ''It''s the first time I ever had two kinds of birds with one meal: turkey to eat and buzzards to look at.''
Abigail Parker (Dorothy Malone) to Rick Todd (Dean Martin) in Artists and Models (1955): ''I like being kissed, I love it . Under the mistletoe, in the dark , early in the morning, lunchtime, tea time, cocktail time, any time... but I don''t want to be kissed by you.''
Bob Seton (John Wayne) invited to dinner by William Cantrel (Walter Pigeon) in Dark Command (1940): ''It''s the first time I ever had two kinds of birds with one meal: turkey to eat and buzzards to look at.''

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