Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word


The tip of the breast . The dark-pigmented, rounded projection at the center of the areola in men and woman , a source of erotic stimulation in both genders, especially for women, responding to touch , licking or sucking, and becoming erect during sexual arousal.
See Also: aerola mammae, areola, areola of the mammary gland, areola papillaris, bdsm, bee bites, berries, big brown eyes, big browneys, binding, biting daddy, bonbons, breast bondage, breast torture, brown eyes, Brummagem buttons, buds of beauty, button, buttons, chapel hat pegs, cherries, cherrylets, chest surgery, circulus venosus of Haller, clamp, clip, clothes pegs, clothes pin, clothespeg, clothespin, clothespin torture, coat hangers, diddy, dindins, dinners, discharge, docker's thumbs, dockyard rivets, dubs, dugs, fifth point of contact, halo, infibulation, inversion, inverted nipple, jalobies, kitten's noses, knobbies, knobs, M & Ms, maiden pinks, mammilate, mammilla, ninnies, nipply, nipply doo dahs, nips, nobs, nub, nubbin, nubbins, nubs, nums, pap, pap heads, papilla, paps, pasties, peanut smuggling, penis muliebris, piggies, points, puppies, pygmies' cocks, raspberries, raspberry ripple, rosebuds, smarties, strawberries, teat, teats, thel-, thelebasiate, thelelingus, thelemassation, thelerethism, theletage, thelia-, thelorthia, THO, tic-tac smuggling, tic-tacs, tidbits, tit bondage, tit discipline, tit queen, tit tips, tit torture, tit-bit, tit-bits, titbit(s), titty bondage, titty discipline, titty hard-on, titty torture, titty twister, titty-freak, top surgery, torture, weight training, yummies

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