

Dialectical slang for a prostitute who works solo, without a pimp .

SYNONYMS: independant ; renegade . See prostitute for synonyms.

See Also: ambisexual, birds and the bees, the, crazy about, facts of life, the, gender variant, independant, non-conforming gender, nonconforming gender, omnigendered, pangendered, polygendered, renegade, transcengender, transgendered, transgressively gendered, variant expressive

Quotes Containing outlaw:
Billy the Kid (Jack Beutel) speaking of Rio MacDonald (Jane Russell) in The Outlaw (1943):'I wouldn't come back two inches to get her.'
Doc Holiday (Walter Huston) to Rio MacDonald (Jane Russell) after Billy the Kid tied her with wet rawhide and left her in the sun to die in The Outlaw (1943): 'The crazier a man is about a woman , the crazier he thinks and the crazier he does. '
Doc Holiday (Walter Huston) on the subject of women in The Outlaw (1943): 'They're all alike. There isn't a thing they wouldn't for you - or to you.'
Doc Holiday (Walter Huston) on the subject of women in The Outlaw (1943): ''They''re all alike. There isn''t a thing they wouldn''t for you - or to you.''
Doc Holiday (Walter Huston) on the subject of women in The Outlaw (1943): 'They're all alike. There isn't a thing they wouldn't for you - or to you.'

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