

1. Euphemism for prostitution . See prostitution for synonyms.

2. The streets where prostitutes solicit customers.

See Also: agyrophobia, aimless amy, amies, auto pimp, baby-raper, bag bride, bag up, baggage-boy, bananas and cream, benny, bent, benzadrina, berker, Blackout Romeo, blue angel, bone out, boulevardier, brown dollars, Castro clone, cat, chester, chi-mo, Chileno, Cock Inn, crack salesman, crank, curb crawler, curb crawling, cuts, date rape drugs, doggy-do, easy lay, five-finger Mary, five-fingered Annie, flunitrazepam, Forget Pill, fruitnugget, garden tool mama, Gardyloo!, Georgia Home Boy, get burned, GHB, ginch, go on the batter, Great Hormones at Bed Time, Grievous Bodily Harm, grump, gunsel, guttersnipe, hard-leg (whore), hawking, he-whore, head cleaner, headfuck, Hollywood hustler, homeboy, homegirl, homey, homy, hoodrat, hooker's beat, hustler, Jac blaster, Jack ass, jammy, jenny, jimbrowsky, Jimmy cap, Jimmy hat, jump off/out at..., K, Ketamine, La Roche, Lady Five Fingers, lesbonia, lesbos, lesboville, Liquid Ecstasy, Liquid Sex, Liquid Soap, love drug, love dust, Lunch Money, Madam(e) Thumb and her four daughters, Mary Palm, matrimony, mess with, Mexican Valium, money-maker, Mother Fist and her five daughters, Mrs. Hand and the five fingers, Mrs. Palm and her five daughters, old lady five fingers, on the turf, Pappas, picker-upper, pimp dust, pimped down, place, popsies, pound the pavement, pound the sidewalk, pound the street, power U, prostitute, public convenience, punani, punni, puto, Quaalude of the '90s, the, R-2, rape drugs, red-light districk, renter, respectable whore, rib, Roaches, Roachies, road kid, Roche, rock whore, Rohypnol, rolling, Roofies, Rope, Rophies, Ruffies, RZ, sack chaser, scoop, short-eyes, skeezer, slick and slim up the old dusty road, snappers, Special K, speciman, sport goods, sporting goods, springer, strassemaedchen, strawberry, street girl, street mechanic, street of shame, street pimp, street trick, street walker, street whore, street worker, street-meat, street-tricking, streets, streetwalker, streetwalking, streetwalking prostitute, stroll, Stupefi, tea, tenderloin, tenderloin district, TOS, trabajado trader, trader dick, tree jumper, turf, turn one out, turn out, turn someone out, Vetalar, veuve poignet, Vitamin K, walk the streets, walking the street(s), wall job, Wanna party?, Want some company?, Want to party?, whiffenpopper, whore stroll, work from the book, work in a brothel, work the cuts, work the street(s), working inside, working outside, working the bricks, working the street(s), XTacy, XTC

Quotes Containing streets:
Lady Lou (Mae West) in She Done Him Wrong (1933): - Friend: ''Ah, Lady Lou, you''re a fine gal , a fine woman .'' - Lady Lou: ''One of the finest women that ever walked the streets .''
Lady Lou (Mae West) in She Done Him Wrong (1933): - Friend: ''Ah, Lady Lou, you''re a fine gal , a fine woman .'' - Lady Lou: ''One of the finest women that ever walked the streets .''
Lady Lou (Mae West) in She Done Him Wrong (1933): - Friend: ''Ah, Lady Lou, you''re a fine gal , a fine woman .'' - Lady Lou: ''One of the finest women that ever walked the streets .''
Lady Lou (Mae West) in She Done Him Wrong (1933): - Friend: ''Ah, Lady Lou, you''re a fine gal , a fine woman .'' - Lady Lou: ''One of the finest women that ever walked the streets .''
Lady Lou (Mae West) in She Done Him Wrong (1933): - Friend: ''Ah, Lady Lou, you''re a fine gal , a fine woman .'' - Lady Lou: ''One of the finest women that ever walked the streets .''
Lady Lou (Mae West) in She Done Him Wrong (1933): - Friend: ''Ah, Lady Lou, you''re a fine gal , a fine woman .'' - Lady Lou: ''One of the finest women that ever walked the streets .''
Vladimir Ivanoff (Robin Williams) a recent Russian immigrant to the US confronts a man who has been following him on the streets of New York in Moscow on the Hudson (1984): - Vlad: ''FBI?'' - Man: ''FBI? No.'' - Vlad: ''KGB?'' - Man: ''KGB? No... G-A-Y.'' - Vlad: ''G?...A?...Y?... No!''

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