

1. Of or relating to the body and its nature.
Synonyms: bodily ; corporeal .

2. Of, relating to, or inclined to carnality; fond-of bodily pleasures; characterized by indulgence of bodily appetites; sensual.
Synonyms: animal ; bodily ; corporal; corporeal ; earthly; erotic ; fleshly; genital; impure; lascivious ; lecherous ; lewd ; libidinous; licentious ; lustful ; physical ; prurient ; salacious ; sensual; sensuous; temporal; unchaste; venereal ; voluptuous; vulgar ; wanton ; worldly .

3. Tending to plumpness; fleshy ; plump .
Synonyms: adipose; ample; beefy ; bloated; bosomy ; brawny; broad ; burly ; busty ; buxom ; chubby ; (chubby-faced); chunky; convex; corpulent; cuddly; dimpled; dimply; double-chinned; dumpy; expanded; Falstaffian; fat; fat as a pig ; flabby; fleshy ; full; (full-faced); gross; hearty; heavy; hefty; husky ; jolly; lusty ; meaty; obese; of large proportions; on the plump side; overweight; paunchy; plump ; plump as a pudding ; plumpish; porcine; portly ; ; potbellied; pudgy; pudgy; puffy; pulpy; roly-poly ; rotund ; round as a dumpling; round; Rubenesque ; sarcous; square ; squat ; stalwart; stocky; stout; strapping ; thick; tubby ; weighty; well-padded; well-fed; zaftig .

4. Not spiritual; worldly .

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