

1. Late 19 th -early-20 th century slangonym for the vagina ; possibly derives from monkey-business and to monkey-around . Chiefly Australian and American usage; seldom heard in the UK. See vagina for synonyms.
-- Little monkey / where the monkey shoves his nuts / where-the-monkey-sleeps , the vagina .
-- Squelchy monkey , a jocular synonym, was coined in the 1990s.
-- Feed the monkey , to have sexual-intercourse with a woman
-- Crotch monkeys , a jocular name for a not so funny infestation with pubic-lice .
-- Tree monkey , a fart .
-- Look goats and monkeys at , C19 th expression meaning to look at someone lecherously.

2. Rarely, the penis . See penis for synonyms.
-- Chunky monkey / fruit-for-the-monkey , the penis .
-- Crank the monkey / pump-the-monkey / spanking-the-monkey / snapping-the-monkey , to masturbate the penis ; monkey-spanker , a male masturbator .

See Also: Adam, affenliebe, cocktus erectus, crotch crickets, crotch critters, feed somebody's monkey, fruit for the monkey, heck bite, hecklace, hickey, kiss bite, love bite, masturbator, monkey, monkey about, monkey around, monkey bite, Purple Heart, shag tags, spanking the monkey, strawberry kiss, suckers, where the monkey sleeps

Quotes Containing monkey:
Groucho (Groucho Marx) in Monkey Business (1931): 'Love flies out the door when money comes innuendo .'
Lois (Marilyn Monroe) & Barnaby (Cary Grant) in a car in Monkey Business (1952): - Lois Laurel: ''Is your motor running?'' - Barnaby Fulton: ''Yes, is yours? (Races the engine of his car.) Takes a while to warm up .'' - Lois Laurel: ''Does me too.''
''You peroxyde kissing bug ... I''ll pull that blond hair by its black roots. Put ''em up!'' Edwina Fulton (Ginger Rogers) to Lois Laurel (Marilyn Monroe) in Monkey Business (1952).
''You peroxyde kissing bug ... I''ll pull that blond hair by its black roots. Put ''em up!'' Edwina Fulton (Ginger Rogers) to Lois Laurel (Marilyn Monroe) in Monkey Business (1952).

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