Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word


Or: pee-eye , obsolete abbreviation and appellation for pimp . See pimp for synonyms.
See Also: castrate, doll face, number two, pee-eye, pimp, queerie

Quotes Containing P.I.:
Libby Holden (Kathy Bates) shoving a big gun into the crotch of a P.I. in True Colors (1998): ''Mister, you''re about to become misses .''
Lawyer Albert Graves (Arthur Hill) to P.I. Lew Harper (Paul Newman) in Harper (1966): ''You look like death warmed over.''
Lawyer Albert Graves (Arthur Hill) to P.I. Lew Harper (Paul Newman) in Harper (1966): ''You look like death warmed over.''
P.I. Philip Marlow (Dick Powell) speaking of Ann Grayle (Anne Shirley) in Murder, My Sweet (1945): ''Not a beautiful face but a good face . She had a face like a Sunday school picnic .''
''It was a street of frustrated hopes and broken dreams. Everything was cheap and cut-rate. Even the prostitutes were having a sale.'' P.I. Rigby Reardon''s (Steve Martin) voice over monologue parodies film noirs of the 1940s in Dead Men Don''t Wear Plaid (1982)
P.I. Rigby Reardon (Steve Martin) entering door #2 in Dead Men Don''t Wear Plaid (1982): ''I had no trouble finding Dr. Forrest''s cheese lab. It smelled like the number on the door.''
Adrienne Fromsett (Audrey Totter) and P.I. Philip Marlowe (Robert Montgomery) in Lady in the Lake (1940). - Adrienne:''I wonder how it would be to discuss this over a couple of ice cubes? Would you care to try?'' - Philip:''Imagine you needing ice cubes.''
P.I. Nick Charles (William Powell) and wife Nora (Myrna Loy) in The Thin Man (1934). - Nick:''What were you doing on the night of October 5th, 1902?'' - Nora:''I was just a gleam in my father''s eye .''

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