

Derogatorily said of someone, usually a woman , regarded as sexually promiscuous and easy.
See also: bad-reputation .
See Also: baubles, beast, bed house, bird cage, birdcage, bitch heaven, brasser, brassy, bum fodder, cheesy, chinch pad, chippie, chippy, common carrier, commoner, commoner of the camp, doss house, drab, dusty butt, fat one, fleabag, floozy, flophouse, fuck-happy, gimcrack, gook, heavy cruiser, hedge whore, hedge-creeper, Hershey bar, jimcrack, K-Mart crowd, naf, palliardy, rags, sleaze, sleazy, star-gazer, stargazer, three-penny upright, three-penny uprighter, trug, trugmolly, trugmullion, twat, two-bit hustler, two-bit Sadie, zook

Quotes Containing cheap:
Monica (Tatyana Ali) in The Clown at Midnight (1998): ''I felt like a bimbo in cheap horror film.''
Gordie Lachance (Wil Wheaton) pointing a gun at Ace Merrill (Keifer Sutherland) in Stand by Me (1986): ''Suck my fat-one you cheap dime-store hood .''
Lou Peckinpaugh (Peter Falk) finding Betty De Boop (Eileen Brennan) in his apartment in The Cheap Detective (1978) - Lou: 'You can't stay here. I'm busy picking up the pieces of my life .' - Betty: 'If it's just a piece you want, Fred , you can pick it up right here.'
'Would you like anything to nibble on?' Jezebel Dezire (Ann-Margret), 'accent on the Dezire', to Lou Peckinpaugh (Peter Falk) in The Cheap Detective (1978)
Jezebel Dezire (Ann-Margret), showing a lot of cleavage when bending over the rolling bar , and Lou Peckinpaugh (Peter Falk) in The Cheap Detecive (1978). - Jezebel : 'Won't you join me in a little drinky? What's your peasure?' - Lou: 'What you got there looks good.' - Jezebel : 'I know , but I thought you'd like a little drink first .'
''It was a street of frustrated hopes and broken dreams. Everything was cheap and cut-rate. Even the prostitutes were having a sale.'' P.I. Rigby Reardon''s (Steve Martin) voice over monologue parodies film noirs of the 1940s in Dead Men Don''t Wear Plaid (1982)
Jezebel Dezire (Ann-Margret) and Lou Peckinpaugh (Peter Falk) in The Cheap Detective (1978): - Jezebel : ''See anything you like? I''m Jezebel Dezire, accent on the Dezire.'' - Lou: ''How do you do? I''m Peck Lookinpaugh.'' - Jezebel : ''Don''t worry, I do that to every one, even to myself.''
Rigby Reardon (Steve Martin) in Dead Men Don''t Wear Plaid (1982): ''It was a street of frustrated hopes and broken dreams. Everything was cheap and cut-rate. Even the prostitutes were having a sale.''
Rigby Reardon (Steve Martin) in Dead Men Don''t Wear Plaid (1982): ''It was a street of frustrated hopes and broken dreams. Everything was cheap and cut-rate. Even the prostitutes were having a sale.''
Betty Du Boop (Eileen Brennan) to Lou Peckingpaugh (Peter Falk) in The Cheap Detective (1978): 'If you're not busy, Fred , I get-off at two. Don't you think two is a good-time to get-off on .'
Betty Du Boop (Eileen Brennan) to Lou Peckingpaugh (Peter Falk) in The Cheap Detective (1978): ''If you''re not busy, Fred , I get-off at two. Don''t you think two is a good-time to get-off on .''
Lorelei Lee (Marilyn Monroe) to Dorothy Shaw (Jane Russell) who is in-love-with a cheap detective in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953): - Lorelei: 'You don't want to end up with a loveless marriage , do you?' - Dorothy: 'Me?! Loveless?!' - Lorelei: 'That's right. Because if a girl spends all her time worrying about the money she doesn't have, how is she going to have any time for being in love? I want you to find happiness and stop having fun.'
Lou Peckingpaugh (Peter Falk) and Marlene Duchard (Louise Fletcher) in a Casablanca-like scene in The Cheap Detective (1978): - Lou: ''I almost forgot what you look like. Day by day I erased your face from my mind, little by little, till all I had left was your right ear and three front teeth on the bottom .'' - Marlene: ''I still carry your picture in a locket. Naturally I had to cut off your head in case Paul found it .''
Betty Du Boop (Eileen Brennan) to Lou Peckingpaugh (Peter Falk) in The Cheap Detective (1978): ''If you''re not busy, Fred , I get-off at two. Don''t you think two is a good-time to get-off on .''
Does oat meal have lumps? = The Cheap Detective (1978) Does a hobby-horse have a wooden dick? = Road House (1989) Does Pinocchio have a wooden butt? = Earth Girls are Easy (1989) Does Pinocchio have wooden balls? = Tune In Tomorrow (1990) Does a frog have a waterproof ass? = Tune In Tomorrow (1990) Does a hobby-horse have a hickory dick? = The Cowboy Way (1994) Does Madonna take her clothes off? = With Honors (1994) Does the pope wear a beanie? = Off Beat (1986) Does the pope drive a Cadillac? = Beyond the Law (1994) Does a fat puppy hate fast cars? = Ernest Scared Stupid (1991) Does a one-legged duck swim in a circle? = Ernest Scared Stupid (1991) Does Veronica like Archie? = Little Giants (1995) Does Tina Turner wear a wig? = Earth Girls are Easy (1989) Do birds fly , do ducks duck? = Moonlighting (1985) Do flies fly , do spots beam up? = Moonlighting (1985) Do rattlesnakes kiss carefully? = Ernest Scared Stupid (1991) Do stripes suit a zebra? = The Matchmaker (1958) Is a pig's ass pork? = Gator (1976) Is a frog's ass water tight? = Big Business (1988) Is the earth flat? = The Flintstones (1994) Was Sergeant York's mother an angel = Nothing but Trouble (1991) Will a banker grope for money? = Nothing but Trouble (1991) Does Saddam Hussein and Omar Kadafi pull each other's toffee?'= With Honors (1994) OFF-SCREEN

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