

1. Casual or affectionate term for a girl or woman , sometimes with a connotation of sexual looseness. Defined in A Feminist Dictionary (1985): ' A woman who is liberal, tolerant, unconfined and not limited or narrow in scope .' Broad and the following terms are considered offensively sexist by many women: babe ; baby ; baby-doll ; bimbo ; bird ; bit-of-fluff (stuff; skirt); chickabiddy ; chicken ; chicky; chippy ; cooz; cow ; crack ; cunt ; cutie ; dame ; dearie; dish ; doll ; dollop; dolly ; filly ; fluff ; frail ; frau ; gal ; ginch ; girlie ; heifer; hen ; honey ; honey-bun; honey-bunny; jane ; jenny ; lassie; mare; missie; missis ; momma; mouse ; pet ; piece ; pussy ; pussycat ; quail ; rib ; she-she; shouter; sis ; sissy ; sister; skirt ; slash ; snatch ; squab; squaw ; squeeze; stuff ; sweet baby ; sweet-patootie ; sweet stuff ; sweet thing ; tail ; tart ; toots ; tootsie ; twist . See playgirl for synonyms.


(1) James Wolcott: ' I use broad as a moniker of respect for a woman who knows how to throw a mean right .'

(2) Charley Nichols (Walter Matthau) to Ann Atkinson (Glenda Jackson) in House Calls (1978): ' It's comforting with an old broad like you. I don't have to explain things all the time like who Ronald Colman is .'

(3) Macalinski (Karl Malden) paying The Countess/Veronica (Teri Garr) a double-edged compliment in The Sting II (1983): ' You're an awful good-looking broad .'

(4) Bob Weston (Tony Curtis) to psychologist Helen Gurley Brown (Natalie Wood) in Sex and the Single Girl (1964): ' She'd hit the ceiling if she thought you and me were sitting here alone. You know what she'd figure? She'd figure a broad as pretty as you as got to be on-the-make .'

(5) David Addison (Bruce Willis) to Maddy Hayes (Cybill Shepherd) in Moonlighting (1985): ' You're one cold icy broad. You have your nose so high in the air it's snowing on your brain .'

(6) The short megalomaniac Dr. Noah / Jimmy Bond (Woody Allen) in Casino Royale (1967): ' A world (...) where a man , no matter how short, can score-with a top broad .'

(7) Harry Brock (Broderick Crawford) about his mistress Billie Dawn (Judy Holliday) who, after some time with a tutor to ' smarten her up ' is now smart enough to leave him in Born Yesterday (1950): ' I love that broad. Do you think we could find someone to make her dumb again? ' He also says, on a philosophical tone: ' A broad is a broad! '

(8) Catchphrase: ' Have you ever been abroad? '

2. From the 1920-30s onward, a woman of dubious reputation , a loose or promiscuous woman . More rarely, a prostitute .


(1) Vaudevillian Hank (Bessie Love) and Eddie (Charles King) in The Broadway Melody (1929):-- Hank: ' We never had to get by on our legs before .'-- Eddie: ' Those guys ain't going to pay ten bucks to look at your face . This is Broadway .'-- Hank: ' Yeah, broadsway .'

(2) Matt Helm (Dean Martin) and Sheila Sommers (Janice Rule) in The Ambushers (1967): -- Matt: ' We have a long wait ahead of us, so let's get comfortable .'-- Sheila : ' How comfortable? '-- Matt: ' It's broad daylight! '-- Shaila: ' What's wrong with a broad in daylight? '

3. The ass or anus . See ass and anus for synonyms.

4. The passive or receptive partner in anal-intercourse . See sodomite for synonyms.

5. Short for broad-minded .

See Also: ass crack, backeye slice, backeye slit, beam, blue humor, bottle-ass, broad, broad-minded, broadwalk, broadway broads, brownsward, bum cleavage, butt-crack, buttocks cleavage, cleft, crease, crevice, dirty joke, foul line, locker-room humor, on the make, reverse cleavage, splatter face, three-way frail, vertical grin

Quotes Containing broad:
Harry Brock (Broderick Crawford) about his mistress Billie Dawn (Judy Holliday) who, after some time with a tutor to ''smarten her up'' is now smart enough to leave him in Born Yesterday (1950): ''I love that broad . Do you think we could find someone to make her dumb again?'' He also says, on a philosophical tone: ''A broad is a broad!''
Macalinski (Karl Malden) paying The Countess/Veronica (Teri Garr) a double-edged compliment in The Sting II (1983): ''You''re an awful good-looking broad .''
James Wolcott: ''I use broad as a moniker of respect for a woman who knows how to throw a mean right.''
''You and that broad made a real cute couple .'' Lou (Todd Graff) to his con artist friend Eddie (Dana Carvey) in Opportunity Knocks (1990)
''What are you doing out in broad daylight?'' Slip Mahoney (Leo Gorcey) to Rick Martin (Craig Stevens) in Blues Busters (1950)
''What are you doing out in broad daylight?'' Slip Mahoney (Leo Gorcey) to Rick Martin (Craig Stevens) in Blues Busters (1950)
David Addison (Bruce Willis) to Maddy Hayes (Cybill Shepherd) in Moonlighting (1985): ''You''re one cold icy broad . You have your nose so high in the air it''s snowing on your brain.''
''Wow! You''re one cold icy broad . You have your nose so high in the air it''s snowing on your brain.'' David Addison (Bruce Willis) to Madeleine ''Maddy'' Hayes (Cybill Shepherd) in Moonlighting (1985)
Charley Nichols (Walter Matthau) to Ann Atkinson (Glenda Jackson) in House Calls (1978): ''It''s comforting with an old broad like you. I don''t have to explain things all the time like who Ronald Colman is.''
Bob Weston (Tony Curtis) to psychologist Helen Gurley Brown (Natalie Wood) in Sex and the Single Girl (1964): ''She''d hit the ceiling if she thought you and me were sitting here alone. You know what she''d figure? She''d figure a broad as pretty as you as got to be on-the-make .''
The short megalomaniac Dr. Noah (Woody Allen) in Casino Royale (1967): ''A world (...) where a man , no matter how short, can score-with a top broad .''

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